Thursday, July 19, 2007

Health risks of homosexual lifestyle (1-20)

Of perhaps hundreds of objective scholarly studies that accurately research the homosexual lifestyle, NOT ONE indicates that lifestyle to be anything other than a serious health risk.

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Patholphysiology of Male Homosexuality
James W. Holsinger Jr., M.D.

Amoebiasis and giardiasis were found respectively in 31.9% and 13'.8% of homosexuals. None of the heterosexuals had pathologic protozoa ... Among males with homosexual partners, 14% had rectal infections. Gonococcal and chlamydia1 infections were equally frequent. Three percent had symptomatic anorectal herpes simplex infection and 11% anal warts...Urethral gonorrhea and/or chlamydia infections were diagnosed in 39% of heterosexuals compared to only 10% of homosexuals and bisexuals. Twelve percent of the homosexuals had untreated early syphilis, whereas syphilis was exceptional among heterosexuals. [

Modelling the impact of HIV disease on mortality in gay and bisexual men
Dr. Robert S. Hogg

In a major Canadian centre, life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men. If the same pattern of mortality were to continue, we estimate that nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years will not reach their 65th birthday. [

The Health Risks of Gay Sex
John R Diggs, Jr., MD

Sexual relationships between members of the same sex expose gays, lesbians and bisexuals to extreme risks of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), physical injuries, mental disorders and even a shortened life span. There are five major distinctions between gay and heterosexual relationships, with specific medical consequences. They are: [

Homosexual group's own study reveals health risks of gay lifestyle

[A] recent study conducted by a homosexual group, the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA), confirms what past studies have already shown: The homosexual lifestyle carries serious health risks. Health risks cited in the study include HIV and AIDS, substance abuse, depression and anxiety, cancer, and sexually transmitted diseases. [

Ten things gay men should discuss with their health care providers
Gay and Lesbian Medical Assocation

The Gay and Lesbian Health Association posts health issues GLMA’s healthcare providers have identified as most commonly of concern for gay men. These include Anal Papilloma, Prostate, Testicular, and Colon Cancer, STDs, Hepatitis Immunization, HIV/AIDS, Safe Sex, Depression/Anxiety and more. [more]

The American Journal of Public Health highlights risks of homosexual practices
A. Dean Byrd, Ph.D., M.B.A., M.P.H.

The prestigious Journal of the American Public Health Association has devoted a substantial portion of its latest edition (June 2003, Vol.93, No. 6) to the risks associated with homosexual practices...The journal contents read like a litany of bad news, one article following another....Michael Gross's editorial, "When Plagues Don't End," (pages 861-862) focuses on the resurgence of HIV/AIDS among homosexual men in the United States. The highest rates of HIV transmission are among African-American and Hispanic men who self-identify as gay. [

Medical Downside of Homosexual Behavior
Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons

Two extensive studies appearing in the October 2000 issue of the American Medical Association's Archives of General Psychiatry confirm a strong link between homosexual sex and suicide, as well as a relationship between homosexuality and emotional and mental problems. [

The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality
Timothy J. Dailey, Ph. D.

According to the homosexual newspaper The Washington Blade: "A San Francisco study of Gay and bisexual men revealed that HPV infection was almost universal among HIV-positive men, and that 60 percent of HIV-negative men carried HPV." HPV is a collection of more than seventy types of viruses that can cause warts, or papillomas, on various parts of the body. [

‘Gay Marriage’ and Homosexuality: Some Medical Comments
Authors of this report: John Shea,MD, FRCP (C), Radiologist; John K. Wilson MD, FRCP (C), Cardiologist; Paul Ranalli MD, FRCP (C), Neurologist; Christina Paulaitis MD, CCFP, Family Physician; Luigi Castagna MD, FRCP (C), Paediatric Neurologist; Hans-Christian Raabe MD, MRCP MRCGP Internist; W. André Lafrance MD, FRCP (C), Dermatologist

Over 70% of all AIDS diagnoses in Canada in adults over the age of 15 up to June 2004 were in homosexual men (13,019 out of 19,238). 60% of all positive HIV tests are found in homosexual men. This contrasts with just over 15% of all positive HIV tests which are due to heterosexual contact. The recently observed dramatic increases in syphilis in many large cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, but also in London and Manchester, UK are in the majority observed in homosexual men. [more]

HIV infection and risk behaviours among young gay and bisexual men in Vancouver
Steffanie A. Strathdee, Stephen L. Martindale, Peter G.A. Cornelisse, Mary Lou Miller, Kevin J.P. Craib, Martin T. Schechter, Michael V. O'Shaughnessy and Robert S. Hogg

Homosexual and bisexual activity continues to be the most frequently reported risk factor among AIDS cases in Canada and the United States. This trend is likely to continue for several years, given that the median incubation period for HIV infection exceeds 10 years and that most gay and bisexual men with HIV infection acquired it in the early to mid 1980s. [

HIV infection in homosexual and bisexual men 18 to 29 years of age: the San Francisco Young Men's Health Study
D H Osmond, K Page, J Wiley, K Garrett, H W Sheppard, A R Moss, L Schrager and W Winkelstein

HIV infection rates in young homosexual men in San Francisco are lower than those in the early 1980s; however, the rate of infection in these men, most of whom became sexually active after awareness of AIDS had become widespread, threatens to continue the epidemic in the younger generation at a level not far below that of a decade ago. [Ed. note: published in 1994] [more]

HIV infection and risky sexual behavior in a new cohort of young homosexual men in Amsterdam, 1995-1996
Gemeentelijke Geneeskundige en Gezondheidsdienst, divisie Volksgezondheid en Milieu, Amsterdam

...429 men with a mean age of 25 years were enrolled in the cohort study. Of these 22 (5%) were positive for antibodies against HIV. Based on the duration of homosexual activity of the participants the HIV incidence in this group was estimated at 1% per year. Furthermore, 10% of the participants had experienced hepatitis B infection and 1% had serological evidence of syphilis. [

Estimating the...Future Spread of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 in Subgroups of Homosexual Men
Donald R. Hoover, Alvaro Munoz1, Vincent Carey, Joan S. Chmiel, Jeremy M. G. Taylor, Joseph B. Margolick, Lawrence Kingsley and Sten H. Vermund

Truncated Kaplan-Meier methods gave the probability of a seronegative 20-year-old man's remaining seronegative in subsequent years. Such a man has a 20.2% chance of serocon-verting before reaching the age of 25 years (a 4.4% yearly hazard). [snip] Given that this cohort consists of volunteers receiving extensive anti-HIV-1 transmission education, the futureseroconversion rates of the general homosexual population may be even higher than those observed here. [

HIV: the millennium bug
Dr. Brian C. Willoughby

Strathdee and colleagues warn that, even in Vancouver's young gay and bisexual male population, a group actively targeted over the last dozen years for risk reduction, both high-risk behaviours and new cases of HIV infection are occurring at an alarming rate. The spectre of hospitals overflowing with HIV-positive patients afflicted by life-threatening opportunistic infections and diseases is indeed real. [

Homosexuality: Disease or Way of Life (1956 critical book review)
Edmund Bergler, author

Provides psychological insights prior to militant gay activism. Book review: "The main thesis of the author, a New York psychiatrist, is that '...there are no healthy homosexuals.'" From book cover: " writing this book I am thinking of the mass of young people—unhappy, bewildered, uninformed, sometimes suicidal—caught, or about to be caught in a net." [

Women Who Report Having Sex With Women: British National Probability Data on Prevalence, Sexual Behaviors, and Health Outcomes (2007)
Catherine H. Mercer, PhD, Julia V. Bailey, MD, Anne M. Johnson, MD, Bob Erens, MA, Kaye Wellings, MSc, Kevin A. Fenton, PhD and Andrew J. Copas, PhD

For women, a history of sex with women may be a marker for increased risk of adverse sexual, reproductive, and general health outcomes compared with women who reported sex exclusively with men. [

The relationship between suicide risk and sexual orientation: results of a population-based study
G Remafedi, S French, M Story, M D Resnick and R Blum

There is evidence of a strong association between suicide risk and bisexuality or homosexuality in males. [

Trends in Primary and Secondary Syphilis Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States
James D. Heffelfinger, MD, MPH, Emmett B. Swint, MS, Stuart M. Berman, MD, ScM and Hillard S. Weinstock, MD, MPH

Increasing syphilis cases among MSM account for most of the recent overall increase in rates and may be a harbinger of increasing rates of HIV infection among MSM. National efforts are under way to improve monitoring of syphilis trends, better understand factors associated with the observed increases, and improve efforts to prevent syphilis transmission. [ed. note: MSM = men who have sex with men.] [

History of Childhood Sexual Abuse and HIV Risk Behaviors in Homosexual and Bisexual Men
David J. Brennan, MSW, Wendy L. Hellerstedt, MPH, PhD, Michael W. Ross, PhD, MPH and Seth L. Welles, PhD, ScD

These findings show that more than 1 in 7 gay and bisexual men in a non-clinical, festival-based setting were victims of childhood sexual abuse and that childhood sexual abuse was associated with alarmingly high rates of men who were HIV infected and antecedent risk behaviors. [

Prevalence of HIV Infection and Predictors of High-Transmission Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Men Who Have Sex With Men
Sandra Schwarcz, MD, MPH, Susan Scheer, PhD, MPH, Willi McFarland, MD, PhD, Mitchell Katz, MD, Linda Valleroy, PhD, Sanny Chen, MPH and Joseph Catania, PhD

We found an HIV prevalence of 25.2%. Predictors of unprotected insertive anal intercourse with a serodiscordant (not having the same HIV/AIDS serostatus) partner among HIV-infected men included use of Viagra and a greater number of partners in the past 12 months. Unprotected receptive anal intercourse with a serodiscordant partner among men not known to be HIV infected was independently associated with...agreement with the statement, "You are less careful about being safe with sex or drugs than you were several years ago because there are better treatments for HIV now." [

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